College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences (formerly known as College of Post-Graduate Studies), a constituent College of the Central Agricultural University, Imphal (CAU-I) was established in the year 2007 with the sole objective of training post graduate students of agriculture from the North Eastern Hill states. It is expected that these students would eventually become the torch bearers for enhancing the agricultural growth and livelihood support for the farming and rural community as a whole in the region.

Policy Briefs

Prof. Dwipendra Thakuria

Dean, College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Umiam

Key Achievements

  1. Organised “Exhibition-cum-Interaction programme for FPOS/ Agri-preneurs/ Agri-exporters” as a part of the visit of Shri. Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, GoI to the campus of CPGS-AS, Umiam on 4th October 2021 There were participants from the states of Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh.
  2. The college has distributed fruit tree saplings, vegetable seeds, sweet corn seeds, rice seeds, bio-pesticides, vermicompost, knapsack sprayers etc as a part of the University’s “Community Empowerment Programme through Technology products” initiative and “India @75: Bharat ka Amrut Mohatsav” to the beneifit of 95 (55 female + 40 male) farmers in 5 separate events.
  • Launch of Community Empowerment Programme through Technology products on 9th June 2021
  • Community Empowerment Programme through Technology products & Celebration of India@75-Bharat ka Amrut Mohatsav (ICAR foundation day) on 16th July 2021,
  • Celebration of 75 years of Independence of India under the theme “Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav (by AICRP-Maize) on 16th August 2021
  • International Year of Millets 2023 on 17th September,2021
  1. Organised a 3 days online training programme for extension/ scientific professionals of KVKs and state line departments on “Creation of an Efficient Scientific Document Using LaTeX Software” during 24-26 November 2021. There were a total of 21 participants (6 female + 15 male) from different KVKs of North Eastern states of India in various designation such as Subject Matter
    Specialists, Programme Assistant (Computer Science) and Senior Scientist.