Message from the Desk of Director

Welcome to the Directorate of Extension Education, CAU, Imphal. The Directorate of Extension Education is one of the three Directorates of CAU, Imphal that imparts or provide knowledge to the rural people about the improved agricultural practices in a convincing manner and help them to take decision within their specific local conditions. Further, the Directorate works by dissemination of useful research findings and ideas among rural people of particular area to bring out desirable changes in their social and cultural behaviour. Transformation of latest agricultural scientific information and technologies as well as to make acquainted the rural people with the climate change for all-round agricultural development in the north eastern region.
There are 6 KVKs under the Jurisdiction of Directorate of Extension Education, CAU, Imphal in the different states of NEH region namely Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh. Further, there are also 6 MTTCs & VTCs under CAU (I) in the state of Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim
The Directorate of Extension Education, Central Agricultural University, Imphal has been publishing CAU Kisan Diary, CAU- Newsletter, CAU- Farm Magazine and Success stories of the farmers to show cast the activities of the Directorate and in turn to promote efficient scientific technological methology towards agricultural and rural development in the north-eastern region as a whole.
The Directorate also imparts different seasonal trainings to the officials/personnels of Line Departments and farmers of the NEH region of different sectors/categories directly or indirectly in all the aspects of agriculture & its allied subject.
Finally, I would like to state that this is the platform where all the farming community can access to different activities under this Directorate and also to ease out to communicate with us from any part of the world so that our motto “University & People” can be achieved to great extent.