About CH Bermiok
Sustainable agriculture in North Eastern India has become a serious concern due to climate change. We are now facing the problem of declining soil health, unsustainable agricultural practices and unfavourable climate change like rise in maximum temperature and fall in minimum temperature as well as aberrant rainfall pattern. Frequent drought and flood in the region has enormously affected the agricultural production. Likewise, loss of available top soil, water availability, soil acidity, poor conservation practices, reduction of microbial activities are also major constraints in ensuring the food, nutritional and livelihood security of the region.

Dr. A.K. Pandey
Message From Dean
The state of Sikkim is one of the biodiversity rich area located in the Eastern Himalaya of Great mountain range of Indian Himalaya. Keeping in view of the diverse agro-climatic conditions, high quality soil, adequate rainfall and rich horticultural background of Sikkim state, the Central Agricultural University, Imphal took the decision to establish College of Horticulture, Bermiok, South Sikkim to strengthen horticulture, education, research and extension activities during the year 2015.