College of Agriculture, Imphal Celebrates World Food Day

Report on Celebration of World Food Day 2021 at the College of Agriculture, CAU, Imphal
The World Food Day 2021 was celebrated at the College of Agriculture, CAU, Imphal, on 16th October, 2021. The program was presided by Prof. Indira Sarangthem, Dean of the college. Total 98 participants joined in offline as well as in online mode. The Head of Departments, Faculty members, AICRP scientist, students of the college and Farmer representatives participated in the programme. The program began with a welcome address by the Dean of CoA, Imphal, followed by a talk from Prof. Mayank Rai, Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics, CPGS, Umiam, Meghalaya, CAU. He spoke on “How crops have been tailored to meet human goals”. Prof. Mayank began the talk with highlighting how the process of food section began with the requirements to meet human needs. He also discussed how the goals viz., Food Sufficiency, Food Security, Nutritional Security, Sustainability, Food Safety, Sustainable nutrient use efficient and Climate smart Agriculture during food selection varied over the years based on human requirements. He reviewed this idea by presenting the example of the current goal in food selection is to develop crops which are multiple stress tolerant varieties in purview of climate change crisis. Prof. Rai concluded the talk by stating that the goals in food production will keep changing as time progress hence the agriculturalist and scientist will have to tweak their goals accordingly. The celebration ended with the vote of Thanks by Dr. S.M. Feroze.