Prof. Naorem Brajendra Singh
Incharge, PME Cell
Pubic institutions like Central Agricultural University, Imphal have to be accountable to the public which fund their establishment and maintenance. This therefore puts onus on the institution to develop mechanism of accountability.
Good planning, monitoring and evaluation enhance the contribution of an organization by establishing clear links between past, present and future initiatives and development results. Monitoring and evaluation can help an organization extract relevant information from past and ongoing activities that can be used as the basis for programmatic fine-tuning, reorientation and future planning. Without effective planning, monitoring and evaluation, it would be impossible to judge if work is going in the right direction, whether progress and success can be claimed, and how future efforts might be improved.
The concept of PME cell developed from NATP project, prior to which the evaluation of the projects was more casual in approach. With the implementation of NATP project ICAR created guidelines for the creation and functioning of the PME cells, which is generally the guiding principles of the PME cells of ICAR institutes as well as the universities .
Research is an integral part of agricultural research institutions. The research to be relevant to the needs of the farmers and society requires that research Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) of the ongoing research projects become vital issues in management of research. Proper logistic support for the management, maintenance and monitoring of institute’s projects and External Projects would help in effective, timely and successful implementation and completion of the mission and in turn would reflect in the growth of the institute. Identification of priorities of research, goal setting and monitoring also makes research cost effective. With this as guiding principle a central PME cell is established by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. Anupam Mishra to look after the effective management of the University’s IRPs, inter linkage, grant-in-aid as well as collaborative R&D projects.
The vision, mission and other details of the PME cell are detailed below.
To become catalyst the realization of vision of the University.
1. To be a central point for setting up of priorities in teaching, research and extension
activities of the University
2. To be an agency for evaluation at regular intervals the activities undertaken as per
priorities set by the University and where necessary, provide guidelines for course correction
in activities being undertaken.
1. To be a repository of all the activities of the University in terms of teaching, research
and Extension.
2. To be a monitoring agency in conduction of activities as per the mandate of