
  1. Creation of repository of the reports: the cell will create a repository of all the reports of the University- from all research units and the colleges. This will be starting point for creating of other activities. Reports will be collected for a period 2015 to 2020.
  2. Creation of data base about the research projects: a database of all the research projects will be prepared. The database will include the research activities being undertaken- number of trials allotted, number of trails in operation. Fund and staff position.
  3. Priority setting: A priority setting exercise of the University- at the Unit level (college and project level) as well as at the University levels. Preparation of monitoring indicators for the priority areas and evaluation.
  4. Monitoring activities: the cell would like to take monitoring activities based on the priorities set as per the mandate of the University or as directed by concerned authorities so that different academic and research activities are aligned in line with the programme objectives priorities and methodologies.
  5. University patenting apparatus- PME will undertake activities in patent filing and follow up activities. The cell will be positioning itself as a single window clearance cell for all patenting activities of the University.
  6. Revamping of the University website with links to college and unit level websites.
  7. Any other activities as may be assigned by the competent authority.

Some supplementary functions to be undertaken

  1. Preparation of roaster of external experts- In consultation with the colleges, a comprehensive list of experts in various disciplines will be prepared. The experts list will include names from both within and outside the country. The expert services may be taken up for strengthening of the University programmes of teaching, research and
    extension and in other activities like selection of staff or their career advancement.
  2. Industrial linkages- the cell will help establish linkages with industry, industry experts and other stakeholder groups for transmission of the knowledge gained by the University to the society and to fine tune the activities of the universities to become more society relevant.
  3. Evaluation of teacher and scientists- periodical assessment of staff is an important aspect of the evaluation of the activities of the staff of the university. The cell will undertake such activities through preparation of proformae for evaluation, evaluation guidelines and such other infra as may be needed for such activities.
  4. Development of propriety software-Most of the PME cell activities are data base in nature, therefore Microsoft Excel is sufficient. However, the PME cell has project management aspects, MS project is an appropriate tool which will also can be used. As such under the NAHEP, the University is linking all the Campuses to become part of Virtual Office. Hence, any specific need for software will be obtained from
    govt/private sources